Welcome to the news blog of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Autonomous Robotic Systems (FARSCOPE). Please also visit our main web page at http://farscope.bris.ac.uk and follow us on Twitter. FARSCOPE is based at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, a partnership between the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

FARSCOPE in the European Robotics League

A team from Bristol Robotics Lab competed in the European Robotics League Service Robots (ERL-SR) tournament in Lisbon, Portugal, last week.  The team, named HEARTS, is led by FARSCOPE second year student Zeke Steer and includes FARSCOPE first year Kaya Sinclair.

ERL-SR teams and their robots, including BRL HEARTS, at the tournament in Lisbon
ERL-SR scores teams on the ability of their robots to perform various service- and care-related tasks.  Examples include recognising objects on a table, greeting visitors at the door, and guiding and following the user.  Final aggregate scores are yet to be published but the HEARTS team finished in 1st place on the final run of the object perception task and in 2nd place overall in speech understanding.

HEARTS hopes to build on this great achievement at the ERL-SR tournament in Barcelona later this year.